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INNOVA Project showed its progress at the III Project Management Meeting

On October 5th of this year, the III management meeting of the INNOVA project was held in which members of the universities of the consortium and delegates from the Ministry of Education of Paraguay and Bolivia were present. The most relevant topics discussed were the following:

Projection of the Good Practices Report by the (UPT) Universidad Portucalense de Oporto, with the application of a case study research methodology in the universities of the consortium, with the objective of obtain an official guide of Good Practices.

An analysis of R&D needs in the associated HEIs was carried out, an essential task to achieve the objective of modernizing the infrastructure and reach the goals for December of the present year. At the same time, data was collected to obtain the internal demands and proposals of the R&D areas of the institutions that are part of the project for the formulation of research policy proposals. 

Aspects such as the reschedule of INNOVA´s events -due to the sanitary emergency- were also mentioned, where the consortium will have the opportunity to carry out training modules in the different visits to Paraguay, Spain and Portugal to achieve and strengthen capacity building and implementation of institutional platforms with foresight in the area of research. 

The procedures for the inclusion of partners and affiliates were presented, in which INNOVA will continue growing in order to achieve the goals set for the following years of management. 

The event ended after a satisfying morning with the progress achieved by all members of INNOVA team in the first nine months of management.

07 Oct 2021